you are loved.

We're a community of people with big hearts, gigantic goals, and an unwavering passion for the well-being of 2SLGBTQIAP+ kids and young adults.

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we provide...

We provide programs for all ages and a safe space for all 2SLGBTQIAP+ individuals. Our focus is on building a strong loving community.

We provide resources to families, friends, employers, of 2SLGBTQIAP+ individuals as well as community and business training opportunities. Education and awareness are critical in supporting 2SLGBTQIAP+ individuals!

We provide advocacy for support and inclusion of GSA’s/QSA’s in all schools. We network with other organizations and service providers, sit on committees, raise awareness, and advocate for our people.


your donations fund...

Make a difference for 2SLGBTQIAP+ folks in your community!


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check out our events

Check out our news & events to find out what's happening; we'd love to have you!



We got merch.

Tee's, hoodies, pins and more! Check out all our amazing Ouloud merch!



our Partners & donors

Would you like to join this proud list below? We are always looking for new sponsors or allies! Contact us here and let us know!